I’m Back!

A Message from Pastor Rick Adams

On March, 18, 1995 Michael Jordan did the unthinkable: He returned to the NBA and to lead the Chicago Bulls to another three-peat of NBA championships!  To be honest, I was never much of a basketball player! I am not absolutely sure if I have ever made a three point shot! When I did play basketball my brothers and sons always whined saying I fouled too much!  Almost three months ago, I found out that I had cancer which required immediate surgery and a short respite.  To God’s glory, my doctor said the lab reports concluded that I am now cancer free! By God’s grace, I am getting stronger and my stamina is increasing!  I was able to be back in the office this past Tuesday and Lord willing I plan to preach tomorrow! Of course, I give the credit to all of those that have cared and prayed for me. My wife and family, my incredible Pastoral Staff, and of course, the GPBC church family!  But I give the glory to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!  Yes, I am thankful to say, I’m back!  But just for the record, I never left!  I have continued to pray for you just as I did before I had surgery! To those that have called, texted, sent cards, gifts and meals, I will forever be your debtor! Your words and gifts were always received as “good news from a far country!”  Thank you for being my friend and you can rest assured of my prayers for you as we continue to make a difference for our Savior, Who is coming again! Looking forward to seeing you in Church tomorrow. God bless! 

Rick Adams, Senior Pastor GPBC


The Mission: From Heaven to Earth


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