The Mission: From Heaven to Earth

2021 Missions Power Point.jpg

“Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15

Starting this Sunday morning, September 5, 2021 GPBC will host our annual Faith Promise Missions Emphasis!

 The heartbeat of Greater Portland Baptist Church is “glorifying Jesus Christ through Worldwide Evangelism!”  Currently, we have over 100 missionaries serving around the world!

 With God's help, let us seek to not only send more missionaries to the untold millions, but that we will also strive together to do our part in “Praying, Giving, and Going!”

 Of course, when it comes to reaching the untold with the Gospel, there is no better voice for missions than “missionaries!”

 Each Sunday we will have a different Missionary to speak for us on Sunday Morning and Sunday Evening!

 This year, we will have a Four Keynote Speakers! One for every Sunday during September!

Sept.   5 - Adam Pearlstein, Church Planter in Seattle Washington

Sept. 12 - Dr. Charles T. Shoemaker, President of Church Planting America

Sept. 19 - Dr. Jim Kennard,  BIMI Missionary Director to the Military

Sept. 26 - Kevin Raub, Missionary to the Military

We are praying that this will be one of our greatest Faith Promise Missions Revivals ever!  I am counting on every member of GPBC to pray with me as we seek to do this for by God’s power and for God’s glory!”

Please begin now praying for these meetings and please make plans to attend every service possible!

God bless!

Rick Adams, Senior Pastor





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