Pastor Scott McFeters
Pastor Scott McFeters grew up at GPBC, coming with his family at the age of 4. In 2012, after completing his Bible college education, Pastor McFeters moved back to Portland to serve as a Pastoral Staff Intern at GPBC. Pastor McFeters was married in the summer of 2015, and in the fall of 2015 became Assistant Pastor at GPBC. Along with his wife, Rachel, the McFeters' have served in leadership in several ministries of GPBC. Pastor McFeters served as Children's Pastor, preaching in SuperChurch and leading all aspects of the children's ministry. He founded the Northwest Children’s Rally, served in the music ministry, served as the chaplain at a local retirement care center, and oversaw the Senior Saints ministries preaching in multiple nursing homes each month.
On Sunday, March 26, 2023, Pastor Scott McFeters became Senior Pastor of Greater Portland Baptist Church. His Bible teaching, along with his love and compassion for the lost, have helped prepare him for leading Greater Portland Baptist Church into the future. He is also the teacher of The Connecting Pointe Sunday School class for new Christians and new members of GPBC.
Pastor McFeters serves with his wife, Rachel. The McFeters have two children.
Pastor Brad McFeters
Pastor Brad McFeters and his wife, Kelley, have been at GPBC since 1992. Pastor McFeters came on staff part-time in 1995, and became a full-time staff member in 2000. Pastor McFeters is Assistant Pastor and the Director of Christian Education at GPBC. He also serves as Director of the Music Ministry, Media Ministries (including audio and video ministries, as well as the Heart For God Television Ministry, and Sound & Lights Ministry). Pastor McFeters teaches the Forever Young Sunday School class for senior citizens. Mrs. Kelley McFeters teaches the Ladies of Faith Sunday School class and assists in the Music Ministry. The McFeters' have five children, and have ministered as foster parents. They have three sons who are married, and one daughter who is married. Between their grown children’s families and their foster son's family, they have fourteen grandchildren.
Pastor Andrew Watson
Pastor Andrew Watson was born and raised in Portland Oregon and grew up at Greater Portland Baptist Church. He was home-schooled as a child through high school. After finishing his Bible College studies in 2014, He returned to Portland and began assisting in the youth ministry of GPBC while teaching 5th and 6th grade at Greater Portland Christian Academy. He was married in the summer of 2015 to Rose. After four years teaching at GPCA, he became the full-time Youth Pastor at Greater Portland Baptist Church in the summer of 2018. He preaches teen church, teaches a teen Bible Study on Wednesday nights, teaches a Sunday school class, and leads the music for the teens. He also serves as Bus Director for GPBC and hosts the Northwest Youth Conference each Fall. His wife Rose is a Sunday school teacher, helps in the nursery, and together they sing in the church choir. The Watsons have been blessed with three children.
Pastor Bob Boyd
Pastor Bob Boyd and his wife Cherie were reached for Christ through the deaf ministry of GPBC. Pastor Boyd joined the staff in a part-time capacity in the summer of 2000. Pastor Boyd is Assistant Pastor and Pastor to the Deaf. Mrs. Cherie Boyd assists her husband in the Deaf Ministry. Pastor Boyd and his wife minister as teachers at Greater Portland Christian Academy. The Boyds have three children, who are all grown.
Pastor Tan Hoang
Pastor Tan Hoang was born in Viet Nam and came to America at the age of eleven. He was raised Roman Catholic but came to know the Lord at age sixteen. After high school, he graduated with a Bachelor of Science. He surrendered to the Lord to go to Bible College where he graduated with his Bachelor in Pastoral Theology and Masters in Biblical Studies. In 2021, after completing his Bible college education, Pastor Tan married his wife Stefany, and taught at Greater Portland Christian Academy while also working as a pastoral intern. In 2023 Pastor Tan became the Children’s Pastor at GPBC, preaching in Super Church, Joy Club, and leads the Northwest Children’s Rally. Pastor Hoang is the lead teacher of The Pursuit, a Sunday School class for young married couples. In addition, he leads the sports outreach programs in the community, including basketball and volleyball nights. Pastor Tan is passionate about evangelism and loving people. He deeply desires to see the broken become whole through the power of Christ.
Pastor Emeritus
Dr. Rick Adams
Dr. Rick Adams and his wife, Regina, came to Portland in 1982 to start Greater Portland Baptist Church. Pastor Adams has a passion for winning lost souls to Christ, and is known as an old-fashioned Bible preacher. Through his leadership, and under the blessing of the Hand of God, Greater Portland Baptist Church grew into a family of believers whose ministry extends throughout the greater Portland area and around the globe.
On March 26, 2023, Pastor Adams began a new phase of ministry as he became Pastor Emeritus of GPBC and joined Church Planting America as a missionary to pastors and church planters. Click the link to learn more about Church Planting America.
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