· Before participating as an employee or volunteer in any ministry of Greater Portland Baptist Church, you will be asked to complete a Criminal Background Screening.
· Greater Portland Baptist Church is committed to the safety of its people, and it is of highest importance to GPBC that children and the vulnerable be kept from harm. We have set guidelines in each ministry for how workers will interact with children and members of the opposite sex. We perform criminal background checks on all volunteer and paid staff members who work with children, teens, finances or security.
· When an individual desires to participate as a volunteer in the ministries of GPBC, that individual will first speak to the ministry director of their preferred area of service. The ministry director will then provide the applicant with the appropriate information for completing the volunteer application and background screening application. The ministry director will sign off their approval of the candidate, the appropriate pastor will then sign off their approval of the candidate, and then the application will be submitted for the criminal background screening. (There is no cost to the applicant for the background screening.)
· After the criminal background screening is complete, the ministry director will be informed about the approval status of the applicant, and then will be in contact with the applicant about their approval status. This Volunteer Application process must be completed before the applicant begins working as a volunteer in the ministry. In the event that a Criminal Background Screening is not approved, the applicant will be given information about how to dispute the findings with the appropriate agencies, if desired.
· Note: for paid staff: Before a formal offer of employment is given, a Criminal Background Screening must be completed for the applicant.
· Special Information concerning Minors: In some cases, minors are given opportunity to participate as ministry volunteers. We do not perform criminal background screenings for minors. However, all minors whose area of service normally requires a background check will need the approval of the Youth Pastor as well as the Ministry Director. The parent/guardian of the minor will complete the Volunteer Application for the minor, and will personally affirm that there is no moral or legal reason why that minor should not work with children or women.