NW Men’s Rally

2021 NW Men's Rally graphic.png

The 2021 NW MEN'S RALLY, hosted by Bethel Baptist Church in Salem OR, will be held Friday September 24, 2021. A full BBQ dinner will be served at 6PM, followed by the preaching service at 7PM.

There is No Cost for this event, but registration is required.

We will be carpooling to Salem for this event. During the registration process, you will be asked if you are willing to assist with carpooling or if you are requesting a ride in a carpool.

Guest speakers are:

* Joseph Biscoe; Missionary to Republic of Georgia

* E. Allen Griffeth; Founder, Executive of Biblical Family Ministries

Please register at the link below so we can give an accurate count for the dinner.


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Family Emphasis Day - August 15