There’s Room for You at GPBC

Please observe social distance seating - Family units seated in “Green” areas on main floor and balcony

Please observe social distance seating - Family units seated in “Green” areas on main floor and balcony

There’s Room for You at GPBC (UPDATE Saturday, December 19, 2020)

 On Friday, December 18, 2020, the Governor’s office removed the legal restrictions for churches that limited seating to a maximum of 100 people in the auditorium.  We will now be seating based on the capacity of the auditorium while maintaining social distancing. This change allows us to once again use our balcony during the services and seat more than just 100 people.

 We have been blessed with an auditorium that is large enough for us to seat up to 50 family groups on the main floor and another 36 family groups in the balcony, using our existing “green” seating areas.

 We hope and your family you will join us Sundays at 11AM and Wednesdays at 7PM for our services.

 If you are unable to attend in person due to health concerns, we continue to broadcast our services via Live Stream at

 We look forward to seeing you in church this week!


Christmas at the Lord’s Table


The Night before Christmas Eve