Thanksgiving Offering

2020 Thanksgiving Offering APP.png

October 27, 2020

Dear Friend in Christ,

Special Holiday greetings from the Staff of GPBC! After almost 10 months of the Covid-19 pandemic the thought of the holidays reminds us of God’s blessings during 2020! While it may be hard to believe, Thanksgiving is just a little more than a month away. At GPBC we have a tradition of giving an Annual Thanksgiving Offering to demonstrate our love and gratitude for all the Lord has done for us here at GPBC! I think you would agree that if anyone should be thankful for all that God has given, it should be us! 

We call this offering our “Others Offering” because everything that we give in this offering is going to “Others!”  In Acts 20:35 Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give then to receive.” I know that God is going to bless as we partner together in this sacrificial effort!

The Lord has impressed on the hearts of your deacons and myself to designate this year’s offering to go toward Church Planting America under the leadership of Dr. Charles T. Shoemaker. This offering will help dozens of local Church Planters that desperately need help especially after all that has happened in 2020!

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Will you prayerfully ask the Lord what He would have for you to give towards this “Others!” offering”. By giving in this offering, you will be partnering with Church Planting America and these Church planters; several that are right here in our own backyard of Washington and Oregon!

I am asking every member and friend of GPBC to reflect over the past year, to pray, and seek God’s will about giving a Thanksgiving Offering that is over and above your regular Tithes, Missions, and Dream offering. Please prepare to bring your 2020 Thanksgiving Offering on or before the Tuesday Evening Thanksgiving Service on November 24, 2020. 

Enclosed is a special 2020 Thanksgiving Offering envelope for this purpose. You may also give online or use the church app to give your offering. Just designate it as your Thanksgiving Offering.

Thanksgiving envelope.jpg

If you have any questions, feel free to talk to me or any of our Staff or Deacons. I know this will involve a sacrifice for all of us, but compared to all that God has done for us, it really is the least we should do! Let each of us be thankful and prove our love and appreciation to our Lord by what we give in this 2020 Thanksgiving Offering!  Trust me, in Eternity; you will be glad that you gave! May God bless you, and from your Pastoral Staff, Deacons and our families, let us be the first to wish you a very safe and blessed holiday season. Until then, I will be…

Ever your friend in Christ,

Pastor Rick Adams

Pastor Rick Adams

Pastor Rick Adams


Thanksgiving Service


Singer Mark Gray - Sunday, October 18 @ 10:30AM & 11:00AM