Sunday Evening Services Resume July 25 @ 6PM

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After 16 months of no Sunday Evening Services, we are excited to announce that GPBC will restart our Sunday Evening services on July 25, 2021 at 6 pm!

As before, there will be a nursery for children 3 years old and below.

After the Evening Service on July 25, we will also be hosting a Welcome Back Celebration with a delicious Pie and Cobbler Fellowship! We are asking every family to bring their favorite pie or cobbler and the church will provide the rest!

This will be a tremendous step as we begin to reclaim all that was lost during Covid! David said, “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD” Psalm 122:1.  

Please make plans to join us as we restart our Sunday Evening Services! I know that we can count on your coming!

God bless!

Pastor Rick Adams


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