GPBC Theme for 2021

2021 Power Point Slide Opening.png

When 2020 ended this past year, most of us noted little or no change except for the date on our calendar!  In fact, most of the same problems we faced in 2020 were waiting for us as we entered 2021! 

 As 2021 begins, every Christian must ask themselves “What does God desire of us in this New Year?” Thankfully the answer is found in a parable found in the Gospel of Luke 19. Four words in Luke 19:13 not only defines our mission in 2021 but it also clarifies it! “Occupy till I come!”   The New Testament local church plays a vital part in God’s redemption plan of our lost and troubled world!  Matt 16:13-19

 As we start 2021, let each of us understand what “Occupy Till I Come!” demands of us. We must “occupy” ourselves with:

 ·         A Fervent Love for God and One Another!  Matt 22:35-40; John 4:24; Rev 4:11; John 13:34-35

·         A Faithful Pursuit of the Lost! Luke 19:1-10; Matt 28:19-20; Acts 1:8; 2 Cor 5:14-21; Col 1:25; 1 Cor 9:12-27

·         The Fruitful Stewardship of our Life! Luke 19:10-27; Luke 16:1-13

·         Our Focus on the Imminent Return of Jesus Christ!  Titus 2:11-13; John 14:1-3; Rev 21:12, 20.

 My prayer for GPBC as we begin 2021 is that we will truly be found faithful to our Lord and “Occupy Till HE Comes!” 

 God bless!

Pastor Rick Adams


I Love My Church Sunday
