Launch Out!

In Luke 5, Simon had been out all night fishing with Andrew, James, John, and possibly others. But after a long night’s toil, they had caught no fish!  They were tired. They were busy cleaning their nets.  They were probably ready for a time of rest after a fruitless night on the water.  But when a crowd gathered and pressed against Jesus, He asked Simon if He could use the fishing boat as an impromptu pulpit to teach the people.   After Jesus preached, He then told Simon to “launch out into the deep” for a great haul of fish.  Simon, even though he was tired and didn’t think there were any fish to be had, obeyed anyway, and so many fish filled the net that it broke, and he called for help from another boat, and the multitude of fish was so great that that both boats were filled and began to sink.

There are many lessons to be learned from this event: 

1)      Jesus chose a tired and busy man to do more work, so that others who were hungry for God might hear.  You might be busy in the work of Christ already.  You might be tired.  But when you hear the call from the Master, will you gladly lay your shoulder to the burden and take it up as your own? 

2)      Obeying Christ’s command requires submission to His will.  Even though Simon was a professional fisherman, he had to submit to the direction of Jesus – a rabbi – before he received the blessing of the great haul of fish.  When Jesus calls you to service, will you submit to His will, even if it makes no sense?  Will you step out by faith… will you “Launch Out?” with Him?

3)      When this miracle of the fish occurred, no one gave praise to Simon for his prowess and skill as a fisherman.  All the glory went to Jesus.  Everyone thought about how great Jesus was! When God does a great work, He must receive all the glory.  Are you willing to “Launch Out”, knowing that nothing that is done will bring you glory, but all the praise will be given to God?

As we “Launch Out” in 2023, let us step out by faith together and see what God can do in His church!

he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.” Luke 5:4


Galentine’s Potluck
