Join us for EASTER SUNDAY!

April 17, 2022 @ 10:45AM

Looking around at everything going on in our world can leave a person feeling hopeless!  War in Ukraine, the lingering effects of the health pandemic, political rhetoric, civil unrest, homeless issues, injustice, soaring fuel and housing costs… it can be overwhelming.

When it seems that evil is prevailing and that goodness and right is falling by the wayside, there is a bright, shining beacon of hope!  That hope is found in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  The Easter story is all about bringing hope to hopeless hearts.  When Jesus died on the cross, His death paid the penalty of sin so that we can have forgiveness and be made right with God.  But it is His resurrection from the death on the 3rd day that proved Jesus’ power over the penalty of sin.  Scripture says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23).”

Jesus is The Undefeated One! 

You are invited to join us for a glorious celebration of the Hope that is found in a Resurrected Savior on Sunday, April 17 at 10:45AM.  The GPBC Adult choir and Kids of Praise children’s choir will present a musical story of hope found in the resurrection of Jesus.

Please be our guest for this special Easter Celebration, Sunday, April 17 at 10:45AM.


National Day of Prayer - May 5


L.I.F.T. Bible Study Begins March 1