Hope is Here!

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What is it that allows faith to overcome fear, that gives joy to overcome sorrow, and peace to replace turmoil?  In a word, it is HOPE!  It has been said that living without hope is to cease from living.  HOPE is the fuel that ignites passion, that turns away discouragement, and that gives light in the darkness of trouble.

Because of what happened on that first Easter Sunday, when Jesus came out of the grave to live forevermore, salvation and the HOPE of heaven has been offered to all who believe in Him.  HOPE IS HERE!

You are invited to celebrate a Risen Savior on Sunday, April 4, 2021 at 11:00AM in a special service of worship and praise with the music and drama ministries of GPBC.  Come experience for yourself the HOPE that is found in Jesus!



Celebrate Mom at GPBC


2021 Northwest Children’s Rally