Evangelist Dave Sommerdorf

This Sunday, July 17 at GPBC

Evangelist Dave Sommerdorf will be our special guest preacher in all the services this Sunday, July 17 at GPBC.

The Sommerdorf’s are long-time friends of the ministry, and are always a blessing to our church.  Bro. Sommerdorf preaches with passion for the lost and encouragement for God’s people.  He is a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, and loves our service members, veterans, and their families.

Bro. Sommerdorf will speak to all the adults and teens in the 9:45AM Sunday School, will preach in the 11AM service, and in the 6PM service.

Don’t miss this great day at GPBC with Evangelist Dave Sommerdorf.


Men’s BBQ


Vacation Bible School