Dr. Charles Keen at GPBC February 5, 2023

One of the greatest privileges we have is to possess a copy of God’s Word in our own language.  And yet, today there are still over 5,000 people groups in this world who do not have the Bible in their language! 

 firstBible International is committed to getting the Word of God into the hands and hearts of souls who never before have heard the wonderful news that Jesus Saves!  firstBible International, led by Dr. Charles Keen, helps facilitate this great task by literacy work (in some cases, even helping to create a written language for people groups who previously only had oral language), translation work, publishing work, and establishing New Testament churches.

 In 2022, firstBible International facilitated the printing and distribution of:

·         300,000 Burmese John and Romans

·         85,000 Nepali John and Romans

·         73,000 Thadou John and Romans

·         10,000 Amharic New Testaments

·         10,000 Farsi New Testaments

·         10,000 Turkish New Testaments

·         6,000 Nepali whole Bibles

·         7,000 Simte whole Bibles

This Sunday, February 5, 2023, Dr. Charles Keen, founder and president of firstBible International, will be our special guest at Greater Portland Baptist Church.  He will speak in Sunday School, the morning service, and evening service.  You will be challenged to help in the cause of getting the Bible into the hands of people around the world who have never heard the Gospel.

Be in your place, bring a friend, and don’t miss a single service!


I Love My Church Sunday


Northwest Children’s Rally