Sunday, March 23 is Neighbor Day at GPBC!
Every guest in the services will receive a special gift as a "thank you" for being with us.
There will be Christ-honoring music, warm fellowship, and an encouraging message from God's Word.
Invite your neighbor to be your guest on this special day.
Join us Saturday, March 22 for a Soulwinning Seminar at 9:00AM, followed by a short time of saturating our neighborhood with invitations for the Neighbor Day Service.
“He is not here, for He is risen…” Easter is all about remembering the sacrifice Jesus made for us at the cross where He died for our sins. We recognize Jesus’ resurrection from the dead on the third day, and rejoice in the hope we have through faith in His Name.
Please join us in this special service of praise to God as the GPBC choir and Kids of Praise celebrate the wonderful news that Jesus is Risen from the Dead, and because of the Resurrection we can have eternal life!
EASTER SUNDAY, April 20, 2025 at 10:45AM.
The Spring Elective Classes at Greater Portland Baptist Church will begin on Wednesday, March 12 at 7PM.
On Wednesday evenings through the Spring you will have four classes to choose from in our Wednesday evening lineup. These classes are designed to deepen your Bible knowledge and equip you to obey the biblical command to “Study to shew… [More]
Since 1982 Greater Portland Baptist Church has ministered in the Greater Portland area with clear, Bible preaching, evangelistic passion, missions emphasis, Christ-honoring music, and dynamic children and youth ministries. Each week, families are strengthened, encouraged, and drawn closer to God as we worship together and are challenged to live for Christ in a sin-darkened world. Greater Portland Baptist Church is “making a difference… Jude 22” in Portland and around the world.
One of the best ways to stay up to date with what is happening at GPBC is to download our app directly onto your Phone or Tablet through the Apple or Google App stores. Register for events, receive notifications, read devotionals, watch or listen to recent sermons, and more.

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Greater Portland Christian Academy is an extension of the ministry of Greater Portland Baptist Church assisting parents in raising their children to prepare them for adult challenges and responsibilities in ministry as well as the secular realm. GPCA provides a Bible-based education, spiritual edification, and student evangelism in a Godly environment. Students are challenged to personalize biblical principles in an academic setting that stresses high standards in the areas of personal discipline and accountability, Christian servant-hood, and biblical separation, while focusing on proper perspective through a biblical world-view. Learn more about the education opportunities for your children at Greater Portland Christian Academy.